Building a brand around your eCommerce store

In addition to building a powerful eCommerce website, using WordPress means you gain a ton of options for connecting your online store with your brand and creating a larger digital experience that awaits prospective customers; just like the front door to a brick-and-mortar business. 

With a wide range of options for building media-rich, dynamic content you can use to promote your store and create buzz around discounts or sales, WordPress makes it easy to add unique, brand-infused elements to your eCommerce website that takes customers beyond a simple shopping cart experience.    

Weaving your brand across your website and telling the story of your business resonates with customers far more than a cold, transactional checkout screen, and it leads to higher traffic and more conversions.

Even as Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) increases across the board, content marketing continues to provide excellent ROI when it comes to new customers—businesses with blogs see 67% more leads than those without, and close rates for inbound marketing campaigns are 8-10x above those from outbound efforts.

If you’re a new eCommerce site owner or you’re refreshing an old site that doesn’t have a lot of visibility, creating fresh, engaging content that complements your eCommerce experience is one of the best investments you can make in your online store. 

Content translates into traffic, and ultimately, revenue. Because WordPress is king when it comes to creating that content, using it to build your eCommerce site makes it easier for you to connect your unique brand to your budding online store.  

And because WordPress works seamlessly with digital marketing software like HubSpot, for example, users can also use the content they’re creating to quickly launch and track inbound marketing initiatives that give store traffic and lead conversions an added boost. 

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